Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rendering my Showreel

I have decided to render my show reel and keep it simple, suitable for quick viewing at my home page. I didn't want it to exceed 2 minutes, I wouldn't want people to get bored. Because I would, if it takes too long to convey a message.

I'm redesigning my pages as well, I don't want it to look like my first website.

I took roughly 5 hours to do the all the digging and re-recording and animation. The work ranges from my first year in degree to my final year.

For the music, many people really liked the music that I used in my showreel.

Here it is:

I have chosen this music because:
1. I don't know why, but majority of my work involved clocks. (Hickory/TheHouse)
2. It sounded so mystical and I didn't want my show reel to mean nothing and just look cool. I want it to tell a story too. I want to make this show reel, a part of my show reel as well.
3. The sounds are amazing. Why are there only 6k+ views?
4. Everyone I know is using dubstep in their reels. I realized that I was bored of dubstep.

For recording my work, I used a screen recording software called BANDICAM. It's really easy to use!

 40-5 : 35 Hours left!

Feasibility Check

1.5 HRS: Documenting and re-posting SOI PART B, (I never knew it existed until now)

5 HRS: Graphics

10 HRS: Coding

2 HRS: Planning and refining content

2HRS: REFINING everything

I still have plenty of time :D


YouTube, (2013). A.O.E. - Crystal Clocks and Music Box. [online] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izf1gZWFc8w [Accessed 28 Jul. 2014].

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